The Hippie Dictionary Blog

The Hippie Blog


Writings From The Author Of The Hippie Dictionary

January 09, 2022

The cultural attitude of many men toward women is what I detest most about the masculine gender

The cultural attitude of many men toward women is what I detest most about the masculine gender. They were birthed by women, nurtured by women and received most of their wisdom from them. Although they may not know it, most men will be supported and comforted by women in their dying days. Yet for...

January 09, 2022

Whatever happened to monopoly laws

 I know that the owners, CEOs, and investors of Wal-Mart or Amazon are excited when they see their signs on a building or truck; all I see is a perversion of the wonderful idea of free enterprise. Whatever happened to monopoly laws, the rational control of mankind’s ego and righteousness...

January 09, 2022

In the history of America and humankind,

In the history of America and humankind, it is a fact that at every monumental moment, there were between one and five particular people who made it all work. If they had not existed the event would not have happened. Consider our Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Emancipation Proclamation...

January 09, 2022

Grok, to understand something deeply, to the point of feeling it

Grok, to understand something deeply, to the point of feeling it. A word created by Robert A. Heinlein for his book, Stranger in a Strange Land, 1961.

Most people don’t grock democracy. The idea that we should sometimes give in to other people’s will is hard for the selfish...

January 09, 2022

What planet are you on, you Trump supporters

I Want To Be Perfect! I don’t know if this is a concept that anyone else finds important or rational in this world today, but, sometime back, I decided that I wanted to become perfect. Not perfect for me, or for public knowledge, but just because. I have almost hidden it for years, because ...

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