The Hippie Dictionary Blog

The Hippie Blog


Writings From The Author Of The Hippie Dictionary

February 27, 2021

TedCruz, so now you want to be a stand up comedy star. “Masks for 300 years”?

Ted Cruz, you idiot. So now you want to be a stand up comedy star. “Masks for 300 years”? Can you hear yourself? Are you trying to help people or scare them to death? Are you even aware of the needs of the people of this country and the everyday politics necessary to maintain a rational...

February 19, 2021

Rush Limbaugh, a weak-minded person who created a lot more weak-minded people.

God does not blackmail anyone.

How can we deal with impersonal people?

The human brain is capable of many incredible things, It can create music and spoons, and then find a way to make music with them.

Got to get this truth across, bad is bad and good is good. And you all ...

February 15, 2021

I saw Republican McConnell lie to the American public again tonight.

2-15-2021 I saw Republican McConnell lie to the American public again tonight. How can he live with himself? Is he a representative of the people or is he being paid by the corporations to deceive the other 99% of Americans? He needs a T burned into his forehead, indicating tractor. All of you people...

February 15, 2021



What are we going to do with all these wonderful things humans have created, the words, music, art, architecture, scientific breakthroughs, medical creations. Then we have the other side of mankind, his guns, slavery, bombs, poisons and religious hatred.

February 09, 2021

The government needs to protect us normal people from capitalism.

If you don’t hurt other people with your greed, I don’t care how much money you make, but if you are a robber, stealer or killer just to get more money in your account or for power to show off, I am after you. I am coming with my words, and words can fly further and faster than a bullet...

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