I personally, and all of my thinking friends, doctors, lawyers, Indian chiefs, carpenters, university professors and civil servants have been warning the American public about D. J. Trump for over four years. Even back then it was obvious to most intelligent people that he was an unhinged, greedy...
It is time to make a monumental effort to educate the 72 million people who voted for Trump and inform them of the definitions and true importance of our Constitution, democracy and rules of law. What these people don’t realize is that without the policies and laws that our Founding Fathers...
Black lives are a part of America, Red lives, Yellow lives, White lives; we all belong on this planet. If you don’t know this and accept it, you should not be here. Go to another planet where the IQ is low and it is eat or be eaten; I think you will be the first to be eaten
10:30 AM 1/6/2021 Bad losers, poor sports, you lost the vote democratically, beat yourself up!
1:30 pm 1/6/2021 In any other country you would have been shot, wake up, this is the land of democracy. act democratic or go to a country where you will be shot or put in a gulag.
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