Duck Donald does not know the damage he is doing. He is too stupid and selfish, or too selfish and stupid, to know that he is quickly becoming the worst curse the world has ever seen. But then, as long as we spell his name correctly, he doesn’t care what we know or say about him.
<...Do you want to live without democracy? Then vote for a Republican. Do you want to live without freedom of religion or speech? Then vote for a Republican. Do you want to live without Social Security? Then vote for a Republican. Do you want to die without public health care? Then vote for a Republican...
The poor suffer most from the rich, so why are they voting for the rich Republicans and Capitalists?
We are in a class war. It is the rich and the conservatives against the poor and the liberals! And just like every other war, it is the rich sending the poor to fight and die. The Capitalists...
Donnull and void knows that when he is no longer president, most people powerful or poor, will stop kissing his ass.
Trump has risen so high in the annals of human infamy; his fall is going to be so painful for him and joyous for the rest of mankind. Suicide is his only answer, just like Hitler. We hope that Trump does not try to take down the world around him as Hitler did. Have you questioned Hitler’s silly...
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