Congressional Inquires
As indicated by the present Congressional inquires, the current Republicans have no shame, the biggest sin of a human being, especially one who claims to be a religious person. If you have no shame for breaking moral laws, then you are lying to your own god and to all...
Administration’s Overpaid Henchmen
All the administration’s overpaid henchmen should have learned by now that the only way they are going to get out of the trouble they have lied and bungled their way into, is to say they are sorry and turn against the creature who has created...
See Your Own Faults
If you cannot look at yourself, you cannot see other people. No one is perfect! If you can’t see your own faults, you will not know what good and bad are, and therefore, you cannot be a judge of others.
Corporations Dumbing Down America
Corporate America is dumbing down the American public, and they are very good at it If you want to maintain your intelligence, you must stop using media as a placebo for real life, and then question things that aren’t quite right, and smile, talk and...
Fox Fornication of the Free World
Have you noticed Fox media has sports to make people feel good and divert their attention away from all the problems of the world? Fox also has strange Sci Fi TV series about things that could never really happen, and history series that wave the American...
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