If the question of legalizing marijuana were based solely on how dangerous it was, it would have been legalized long ago. Marijuana is illegal, not because of medicinal risks or mental hazards; it is an economic, political and religious issue.
First, all references to death by marijuana are...
One Vote Each
Disband this Representational form of government, and then everyone gets a vote on every decision that affects their lives.
This Op-Ed is to propose that America consider phasing out our representative form of government! I know that other people and organizations are lobbying...
Sex Scandal In Sin City, Washington, DC
God, Or Whoever You Are Up There, Please Shine Down And Give Humankind Some Wisdom And Common Sense!
The Republican’s started this sex scandal epidemic in order to take the pressure off ...
The Reverse Revolution of America and Devolution of Humankind Are in Progress Today.
The present U.S. Congressional majority and the White House say that they are Patriots, yet they are diametrically opposed to our Constitution and the Democratic Ideals of our Founding Fathers...
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