Violent revolution is valid only when it is against a government that does not protect the human rights of the majority of people, people who believe in democracy, which is the best form of government for all people.
It is understood that some people might not like democracy when it goes ...
Republicans are always accusing the Democrats of the whims of our economy, but the Republicans, Capitalists, and their military-industrial complex are the ones doing all the manipulating. The people are not organized enough to manipulate anything advantageous to themselves. They only have the...
The Republicans who voted for McCarthy are all ego and money-controlled. The sad thing is that they don't know it. They were raised that way. And now they are forcing their selfishness onto the majority, the people who think this should still be a democracy of common ...
The human race is presently cyber-separated from each other by these wonderful computers and iPhones that were meant to improve communication. The tech industry is continually trying to make more profit, and doing so by adding new hardware, software, and proprietary bells and whistles, ...
War is the stupidest thing human beings do. Anyone who thinks wars have any value to society, culture or individual people is an idiot. Wars are started by dictators and capitalists to force their agendas and/or make them money, and then the people or countries attracted have to defend themselves...
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