The Hippie Dictionary Blog

The Hippie Blog


Writings From The Author Of The Hippie Dictionary

January 12, 2021

A crazy person does not know they are crazy, an ignorant person does not know they are ignorant.

I personally, and all of my thinking friends, doctors, lawyers, Indian chiefs, carpenters, university professors and civil servants have been warning the American public about D. J. Trump for over four years. Even back then it was obvious to most intelligent people that he was an unhinged, greedy, narcissist. You must start listening to the reputable media, political observers, doctors and intellectuals. The majority will show you the truth if you listen. It is dangerous when dictators and crazy people lead other uneducated individuals into conflict or combat. A crazy person does not know they are crazy, an ignorant person does not know they are ignorant. Only sane and smarter people can tell them the truth. If the insane and ignorant do not agree to be helped they have to be controlled before they harm themselves and others. D.T. is a psychopath and want-to-be dictator.