The Hippie Dictionary Blog

The Hippie Blog


Writings From The Author Of The Hippie Dictionary

February 15, 2021

I saw Republican McConnell lie to the American public again tonight.

2-15-2021 I saw Republican McConnell lie to the American public again tonight. How can he live with himself? Is he a representative of the people or is he being paid by the corporations to deceive the other 99% of Americans? He needs a T burned into his forehead, indicating tractor. All of you people who voted for Trump the second time should have a T burned into your foreheads. And it stands for traitor.

The capitalistic pharmaceutical companies have crunched the numbers and realize that if they let a lot of people die from COVID, they will have a smaller number of people to sell their drugs to.

Feudal lord, capitalist slave owner pigs! You will die, not by my hands, but my words. You will die of embarrassment.