August / September Blogs
As the author of The Hippie Trilogy, I am the authority on the generation who questioned authority.
Please don’t just brush off these things I write as impossibly naive. With my age, awareness, and travel, I know these things to be true and possible to achieve. We just have to start treating conservatives as they have been treating us, by pulling their teeth and treating them as subversive; disenfranchising them.
The Argument Against Kings and Capitalism
This first blog post was written in the 1980s and published in my second book of The Hippie Trilogy, titled COMMON SENSE AND REASON AGAIN in 2020.
Our Founding Fathers chose democracy and free enterprise (not capitalism) to be the political and economic foundation for this country. They did so as a deterrent against discontent and rebellion of the masses, and because they knew it was for The People, the most people. They knew, maybe only instinctively, that if the people are given the ability to form their own destiny, they will be happy and not need to revolt violently. As you know, if you read our history, the word and the activity “capitalism” has been around only 200 years, whereas this country has been here for 244 years. Capitalism is the new feudal system, the same feudal system most of us left the “old country” to get away from! Some left for religious purposes, but most left for economic freedom. In much of Europe in 1776, most everything was owned by a small percentage of the population: royalty, major and minor nobility, landed gentry and “The Church.” It was much the same in 1620 when the Pilgrims came to America. The Pilgrims came on the first boat, The Mayflower, in 1620 for freedom of religion, free land and opportunity, and the feudal lords sent their accountants and lawyers on the second boat, The Fortune, one year later. The feudal lords, now known as capitalists, have been trying to get all the money and land here in America as they had in their old countries.