The Hippie Dictionary Blog

The Hippie Blog


Writings From The Author Of The Hippie Dictionary

November 01, 2021

TV and movies today have too much science fiction that has no support in reality or facts

Another day in October. 

TV and movies today have too much science fiction that has no support in reality or facts, and will have no value in helping the future of mankind or this world. Most 20tth century science fiction had sociologists and scientists writing sci-fi with some knowledge of what was possible in nature and humankind. Examples: Rodenberry thought up stun guns and the concept of egoless humanoids. Jules Ver suggested travel into the sky, to outer space and into the depth of the sea.  

Christianity is not a democracy.

Some people have a higher threshold for bullshit than others.

Your libido has a higher IQ than your head does.

You are the problem, you greedy people in this world, you 30% of the population who think only of yourselves. Try to make a change toward being more democratic and less greedy. Then even you will begin to prosper more, and without all the consequences of getting caught and being hated by the good people.

 Democrats are always trying to help all people while Republicans are always trying to help rich people and corporations, and at the same time, they call good people weak and reprimand them for being human and having humanity.

Show people themselves, and they will make things right. Give people other people’s shoes to wear, and they will be forced to see themselves as others see them. No one wants to be bad. They all think they are correct, and that is why they do bad things.

I don’t care what you think; I care how you treat people who think differently than you do.

Love is measured by time, how much time you want to spend, not how many roses you give them.

In a democracy there is nothing wrong with being a professional politician if you stay professional to your job and work for the people and not just the capitalists. If you ignore the needs of the poor and majority people, you are not in a democracy; you are in a fascist dictatorship.

 Some people are intimidated by thinkers…but better the thinkers than the non-thinkers. Thinkers at least have a concept of morality.

I wish people would admit when they are ignorant. But most ignorant people are ignorant of the fact that they are ignorant. Some are embarrassed to admit it. Some are actually proud to be ignorant. And some have egos that won’t let them admit it. The world could be perfect if these people came to their senses, or admitted graciously or with apology that they are ignorant and step aside for the people who are fighting ignorance in themselves and others.