The Hippie Dictionary Blog

The Hippie Blog


Writings From The Author Of The Hippie Dictionary

January 01, 2024

Who knows what wonders reside in the minds of Man? The Hippies do!


The world should have listened to the counterculture of the 60s and 70s

The sixties and seventies were not really foolish and frivolous as many people then thought, and even now think. At first we were the guinea pigs for society, with the sex, drugs and rock and roll. Then we became pacifists, anti-materialists and esoteric readers. Women became more assertive about their rights and status, and men became more sensitive and more politically knowledgeable.  Most of us had sex, yes, and drugs, yes, and we rocked and rolled a lot, but have you heard that music? It came from the mind, not from the dick. We started warning people about the bad things that were coming. We hippies did not create sex, drugs or capitalism; we studied them deeply, and found out what was good for you and what was bad. We told others about the pitfalls, but few people listened. They thought we were a joke. The world should have listened to the hippies. When I observed that the world was not listening, I, myself, published The Hippie Dictionary so that we all would have a reference book to look back on. It took me twenty years of research to create, and I published it in 2002. It was already too late, by then, to fix some of the things that will destroy us eventually or change our world irreparably, like world ecology for example, and saving the pink-eyed salamander. But the human is pragmatic. Throughout our history, when we make mistakes and fail, we go back and change our actions and ourselves to succeed. That is why we have been able to become the best predator on the planet. But now, we are our own worst enemy and predator. Change yourself, mankind, read, listen, study, and act out toward saving yourself. But we must do it together or we will obstruct ourselves. And we must do it with rational thinking, not violence less we perpetrate more bloodshed.

The human race is broken now, or I might say more broken than it was before. Telling the truth is not popular because of our previous president, 2016-2020. Greed is much more vicious now because many more people can’t get a living wage. Violence and crime increase because folks can see all the things they want, but can’t have or afford. That’s how the 2008 “recession" happened from the home loan and credit card squeeze. The population has little to hold onto now except their iPhones which just give them more to worry about.    In all aspects of our life, right now, there is a lack of real substances that really work, that really are reality, not a reality show. Tools, cars, clothing, and entertainment are all phony or flawed, made to fall apart in this era. Advertising is more prevalent and cutthroat because companies want more profit to protect their market share in the stock market, which is a Ponzi scheme, a false reality.

Save the world by telling the truth. Save yourself by following the golden rule. Follow all real religious “profits” and true scriptures and apocryphal gnostic codicils, including Jesus’, that say you must be selfless and congenial toward others in order to find true happiness. And all these suggestions and edicts are meant to give you peace on this earth as well as the heaven you chose. Forget The Ten Commandments; all you need is three to find peace today and in any afterlife.  Thou shalt not Kill.   Thou shalt not Steal.  Thou shalt not bear False Witness (lie).

Humankind is like a lump of lead; it is melted by the heat of the circumstances around it and evolves into another form; sometimes flawed, sometimes almost perfect. And then we are melted again by the input of our new environment. Our ideal goal is to die feeling we are good enough to go to the heaven we wish. But if you have displayed too many flaws throughout your life, you will have destroyed the life you lead and who knows whether we will have another life beyond to enjoy our rewards? The answer is to live the golden rule today and you will, at least, have your reward in this life.